Monday, January 28, 2008

Game World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

I hope that the following article will help you to better understand this topic.

If you’re into playing video games and the like then one such game you should look into is the game World of Warcraft. This Massively Multiplayer Online Function Playing Game, or MMORPG for short, has to put it rather only taken the world of gaming by storm.

To date the game World of Warcraft boasts over a whopping Eight million people playing it, with a staggering number of people playing it at any given time. It’s a large number whichever way that you look at it, and consuming to realize how many people are populating the world of Azeroth where the game of Warcraft takes place.

The argue for this is that the game World of Warcraft is rather simply one of the best MMORPG games around. Added to this fact are the enticements which come along with it such as the ability to create a maximum of Fifty characters per account, with Ten characters permitted on a server.

Not only that, a player also has the chance of creatinga character which suits their tastes, with a better than ordinary number of character options open and available for players to choose from.At the very theme of the game World of Warcraft, players have the option of choosing a character founded on one of the two major factions which people in Warcraft.

This way that a actor can take from either the Alliance side, or the Horde side.Once they decide upon this, a participant then has the power to choose from a total of Four unlike races which are available each to a faction. This number goes up to Five races per faction if you have the new Burning Crusade expansion pack....please continue on a site that is all about this topic and more..Thank you for taking you time to read through this information if you’re interested in gathering more knowledge please continue to search this site.

Michael Malega presents several game world of warcraft articles for your information. You can visit Michael's web site here [ title=Game World of Warcraft]Game World of Warcraft

Article Source:

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

If you found this article to be helpful please support this site. Thanks.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winning in World of Warcraft PvP

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

For those people interested in showing just how much skill they’ve acquired in World of Warcraft, PvP is the perfect way to go about it. With so many options and millions of possible combinations of armor, weapons and items, PvP is quite literally wide open for anyone to enjoy and do well in. For those that have found great joy in the PvP aspects of the game, there are numerous things you can do to make it even more fun and upgrade the intensity of your play.


You’re going to die a lot. Everyone does and you should be willing to accept that. If you are not, you’re going to die that many more times and be very unhappy about it. So, sit back, play the game and be prepared for a few hundred resurrections. You’ll learn from each one of them. And that’s where the key to success really lies, in the amount you’ll learn throughout the game from every situation in which you get resurrected. If you can learn quickly and figure out how to approach the battle more smoothly, you might be more successful over time.


You should be fully prepared for every battle. That means setting up your tool bar especially for PvP. You can’t approach a fellow player with the same approach as you would a simple mob or boss. You must be able to capture them and defeat them. You cannot guess what they’ll do based on the pattern the computer has them set in. You must be able to react quickly to whatever jumping, twisting, or bashing moves they might throw at you.

You should have multiple different tool sets ready depending on which type of character you must face. You should not have the same tool set setup for a tank as you would a ranged fighter because you must approach them differently.


You should have a set routine for whenever you come across a PvP encounter. This way, you can flick out a few quick keyboard commands and have a full set of attacks completed before your opponent can even blink. Once you have a set up in place, practice again and again until you have it down flawlessly.

Using the Options

There are many in-game options that you can utilize to make PvP just a little bit easier and most people don’t take the time necessary to find these and use them. For example, you can simply and easily set up a display enemy cast bar to see what your enemy is doing and check you combat log to read what moves they used against you after you’ve died. Both methods will help you decide what actions to take and what weapons and armor will be more successful in the future.

For those that take the time to master and utilized PvP action in World of Warcraft, there are many rewards to be reaped. It just takes a little time, preparation and practice and you can be one of the best on your server in no time.

Improve your PvP skills by getting a []World of Warcraft guide! However, what you must
realize is that 80% of "Warcraft Guides" out there are scams, so be very careful.

Avoid getting scammed. Learn to tell the difference between legit and scam WoW guides at []

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World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

If you found this article to be helpful please support this site. Thanks.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Top Gold Farming Spots in World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Gold farming is probably one of the more profitable activities in the World of Warcraft. However, you do not want to be bogged down with farming while you should be increasing your skill levels.

This article will show you the best locations to farm for gold. Follow these recommendations and you will be able to build up gold reserves, and have enough time to develop your characters and classes.


The best place to start would be the Azshara region, especially the Massive Timbermaws. This area has a great deal of drops and large gold deposits. In the southern areas, Runedoth (which are dropped by Blood Elves) can be collected and sold at the auction house.


This is a five-man instance, which is largely dependant on the ability of the group. If the group is competent, this area can be run in less than an hour. An expert group can run this in less than half an hour. The secret here is good communication as well as finding and using disenchanted items to make a lot of gold.

Stranglethorn Vale

In this region, look for an area called Crystalvein Mine. To locate this region, head east from the Gurubashi Arena. Once you have reached the cave, you will come across a good number of Ironjaw Basilisks. They will drop various trash items, which can be collected and sold for a significant amount of gold.

Eastern Plaguelands

Concentrate on the Eastern Plaguelands and the southwest corner of the region. In this area, you will come across the Undercroft and Mossflayer Zombies. These Zombies are killed easily, and quickly respawn to drop various sorts of silver and Runecloth.The Plaguebat drops lots of Vendor trash, which can be collected and sold for cash.


Make your way to the western shore of Westfall and find the outpost of Defias Trappers. This is a great gold farming spot for players of all levels. Linen cloth can be collected and sold for gold. Low-level players can also use this area to grind for experience.


This is a great area to find Angerclaw Mauler Bears, especially in the area northeast of Bloodvenom Post. Here you will find a large number of bears, which can be killed. Once killed they will drop gray vendor trash. The bears can also be skinned for leather. Both the leather and trash can be sold for gold.

If you would like more tips and guides on World of Warcraft, []click here

Article Source:

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Monday, January 21, 2008

WoW Mining Guide - 9 Top Tips

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

This WoW Mining Guide covers tips and tricks to find rare nodes, learn rare smelting skills, and make gold as you level your mining skill. Mining is one of the most useful World of Warcraft skills because ores and the jewels mining uncovers are used for so many crafting professions and therefore sell very well on the Auction House. If you're looking for a profitable gathering skill, mining is the way to go!

9. Mining Skill from 65 to 125 in an Hour

One of the worst parts about leveling mining is when you are getting out of the Tin phase before the Iron phase. It's hard to find a large quantity of Tin, and it becomes tedious farming it. The easiest way to level up to 125 is to go to the Wetlands and find Thelgan Rock (it's near the entrance to Dun Algaz - location is 53,64). The cave there is full of spiders and Incendicite Ore that's used for a quest (Alliance only). Unfortunately, the ore itself is worthless and only used to complete the quest but you can mine it from skill 65 until about 125. The nodes respawn quickly and you can level up your mining in less than an hour if you're the only one in the cave. (You can also sell the Incendicite Ore on the Auction House to make a little extra gold in the process - get the quest from Pilot Longbeard in The Miltary Ward in Ironforge.)

8. The Mithril Circuit

If it were easy to find the rarer metals, you wouldn't be reading a WoW mining guide and you need to find a lot of mithril in order to skill up to the small Thorium nodes. The good news is that there's an amazing route through the Badlands where you are guaranteed to hit several mines every time. Just run in a ring around the outer rim of mountains in the Badlands. Towards the north the pickings are slimmer (especially because it is more traversed) but you'll still find Mithril and Iron around there. Generally, mines found toward the middle of the map will be Iron while the mountains around the edges of the map (especially in the south) contain more Mithril.

7. Learn to Smelt Dark Iron

You need to see an NPC named Gloom’rel inside of the "Chamber of the Sevens" in Blackrock Depths. He'll teach you how to smelt Dark Iron (if you have at least 230 mining skill) for two Star Rubies, ten Truesilver Bars, and twenty Gold Bars. After you're trained, you can smelt Dark Iron at the Black Forge which is also located in the Blackrock Depths. You need eight Dark Iron Ore to create one Dark Iron bar.

6. Finding Thorium Ore

Un'goro Crater is the best place to find Thorium nodes. Look in the Slithering Scar and Fire Plume Ridge for Thorium nodes and in the mountains around the edge. Burning Steppes is another great place to find Thorium - just make circuits around the zone and look for nodes to spawn in the lava cracks here. Like most ores it takes a ton of Thorium to get to 300 but it's used in many professions and sells very well on the Auction House.

5. Lesser Bloodstone Ore

Around level 35 you can get a quest from Krazak ("Favor for Krazak") in Booty Bay to go to "a mountain cave in Drywhisker Gorge, far to the north in the Arathi Highlands" and bring back 4 loads of Lesser Bloodstone Ore. The cave (at location 80,40 - go up the fissure in the mountains to get there) is guarded by level 35-38 Kobolds but they went down pretty easy to my level 35 Shaman. In addition to the Bloodstone deposits, the cave has four different chest spawn points along with plentiful Mithril and Iron nodes. After you complete the quest, you can easily sell your excess Bloodstone Ore in groups of four to other players who need to complete the quest. I would farm this cave and put up three auctions of four ores each night (in the Blackwater Auction House in Booty Bay) and sell out with a buyout of 95s each - not to mention the Mithril (around 30s each) you can sell too!

Check out part 2 of the []WoW mining guide where you'll find more tips and discover how to learn the rarest smelting skill of them all! Get the other four tips here: []World of Warcraft Mining Guide.

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World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Why I Like My Horde Leveling Guide

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

If you've been playing WoW for a while you know that once you hit level 20 it can become a challenge to continue to level quickly. When I first started playing it seemed as if the first 10 levels flew by, the next 10 were pretty quick, and then leveling from 20 to 30 took me a while. I didn't want to repeat the same scenario with levels 30-40, so I got a WoW leveling guide.

It was an Horde level guide for WOW, and it worked out well for me. I started the guide at level 29 (okay, technically not level 30) and I hit level 60 in no time.

What is a Horde Leveling Guide?

If you haven't heard of a Horde level guide, or even just a level guide in general, you're either new to World of Warcraft or you have been spending too much time trying to figure out the game on your own. Either way, a leveling guide can really help you enjoy the time you have to play, instead of wandering around trying to figure out the next step to a quest.

A good leveling guide will give you all the information that you need to continually level your character(s).

Some leveling guides are a bit hazy on the details, leaving you wondering what's going on or what you're supposed to be doing. A leveling guide isn't a walk through, but rather a write up of what's going on, what quests to take, what is the best order to complete the quests, what spells or items are good, and when to group (if at all).

There are a bunch of free leveling guides out there, and I've used a few of them. It's always nice to know the specifics of each quest before you take it (such as how much EXP you'll get and what items you'll receive for completing it). The downside I found to the free guides were the lack of detail. In some cases, they only covered enough to get you through a quest and usually end up telling you to grind this mob or that location. I found myself spending more time out of the game trying to fill in the details that the free guides provided, instead of actually playing WoW.

The Golden Rule About WOW Leveling Guides

I always look for depth and information. Right now, I am about to start leveling my Blood Elf in the Outlands, the new lands from the Burning Crusades Expansion. I am having a blast. It's easy to use and that I didn't have to spend my time grinding. Which is great because I hate grinding!

John Molar is a World of Warcraft enthusiast who enjoys discussing the game as much as playing the game. When he's not playing, he works on several of his WoW websites including []WoW Leveling Guide where you can find great information on the []Alliance Leveling Guide and the []Horde Leveling Guide for World of Warcraft.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

World of Warcraft Horde Power Leveling Guide

Joana's 1-70 Horde Leveling Guide for World of Warcraft is a guide for gamers who are tired of grinding levels, looking up on how to do quests and trying to figure the right ways to level up.

Release in early 2006, this popular World of Warcraft Horde Leveling Guide is created by a dedicated gamer who play a Horde character named Joana and who has achieved the No.1 ranking in a Blizzard leveling contest for being the fastest leveler.

Filled with detailed leveling strategies and exact questing patterns, Joana has make this comprehensive horde leveling guide amazingly easy to understand for both new and experienced gamers. Players can apply the same techniques and secrets that Joana has personally use, to level up any Horde characters to level 70 in record time by questing. In fact many users of the guide have reported easily leveling to 70 in under 2 weeks with very minimum grinding required!

With the Horde Leveling Guide fully updated for The Burning Crusade, Joana's guide now includes:

The complete 1-60 Horde Leveling Guide which consist of survival tips and general strategies that she use to level faster including the entire video of how Joana level from 1 to 60 in 4 days 20 hours on Jubei'Thos server.

Brand new step-by-step 60-70 Outland and Reference Guide that gives you the most efficient paths and quests to leveling in the Outlands especially for players who are playing solo.

Detailed 1-70 guide for each different Horde race and class, including the new Blood Elf race starting in Eversong Woods.

The best grinding spots with interactive map coordinates for each different zone in the Outlands

UI mods and hotkeys that Joana has personally use to level up really fast

Free lifetime newsletter plus updates to all guides and videos.

With so much fun and content available, Joana's Horde Leveling Guide is truly a complete value package for any World of Warcraft Horde player looking to improve his/her game!

For more useful information and reviews, follow this link: [ target=new]World of Warcraft Guides

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World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How to Fix the Xbox 360 3 Flashing Red Lights of Death

If you've owned an Xbox 360 for any length of time or know someone who has, then you are probably aware of the dreaded "three flashing red lights of death". What are the "three flashing red lights of death?" They are when three of the four lights around the power button for the Xbox 360 start flashing red when the system is turned on. This isn't the only problem that can occur with the Xbox 360, but this problem is one that often requires repair work to be done on the Xbox 360 in order for the blinking red lights to go away.

The Xbox 360 three flashing red lights of death is an indication by the Xbox 360 unit of a General Hardware Failure. Turning the system on and off or allowing the unit to cool down will not eliminate the problem. The system will need to have repairs done. Microsoft support is able to perform these repairs, but there are some issues regarding this. First, in order for Microsoft to repair the Xbox 360, the unit must be shipped to them. This process alone can take a few weeks and depending on the severity of the problem can cost around $150 to have the problem fixed. So after a few weeks and close to $150 you get your Xbox 360 system back and hopefully it is repaired. Hopefully meaning Microsoft was able to fix the issue and the system was returned without being damaged again in transit.

The other solution is to try to fix the three flashing red lights issue yourself. To do this you need to pickup the Xbox 360 Red Lights Repair Guide. This guide offers step-by-step instructions on how to easily fix the "three flashing red lights of death" as well as other Xbox 360 issues like overheating, graphics errors, and freeze ups. Many people have reported using the Red Lights Repair Guide and getting their Xbox 360 back in working order in around an hour. Certainly faster than the turnaround from Microsoft and much cheaper ($25).

While the Xbox 360 Three Flashing Red Lights is a showstopper for any Xbox 360 player, it's a problem that can be quickly and easily resolved using the proper guide and tools. Instead of waiting 2 or more weeks for the Xbox 360 to return from Microsoft, a 360 player can perform the repairs themselves and get back into gaming.

Want to know what other flashing red lights mean on an Xbox 360 and how to fix them? Then check out the []Xbox 360 Red Lights site and see how you can easily resolve some of the common xbox 360 Red Light issues.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Free Online Kid Games

Free online computer games do not only cater to teen-agers who are interested in games with sophisticated and often complicated plots. There is also a large number of websites that offer free online computer games to kids below the age of twelve.

These games combine learning and fun so those children who play them not only enjoy playing the games but also become familiar with computers. The games that are offered on these sites include kids’ games such as jigsaw puzzles, activities, coloring pages, and other simple games.

It is also hoped that as you access these sites and download their games, you and your child can play the games together and foster more learning, as the games are pleasing and appealing to the senses. These websites also provide printable coloring pages and activities that you and your child can work on, even if you are not online. These webpages often have thousands of pages that can help teach your child different lessons, and the games are updated on a regular basis to keep your child interested.

These websites also help your child become more familiar with different events such as holidays and historical events; the games are tailored fit to highlight the importance of such events. These websites have also been designed to cater to the whole family; some activities and some of the games that are available may involve both parents and their children.

Along with the popularity of other types of games that are available online, games for kids also enjoy a certain level of popularity, especially among parents who value the need for their children to learn the basics of using the computer at an early age. By combining learning and fun, these games will continue to flourish as more parents and people gain access to technology in the near future. []Free Online Games provides detailed information on Free Online Games, Free Online RPG Games, Free Online Kid Games, Free Online Multiplayer Games and more. Free Online Games is affiliated with []Free Mobile Games.

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Monday, January 7, 2008

The Wonderful World Of Arcade Games Online by Helene Salmon

Do you love playing games? Then virtual gaming sites may be a boon in disguise for you. Such games site provides all-round entertainment for all age groups, from little kids to mature adults; one and al can try their hands at these fun games.

And with free arcade games online website, you would want nothing more. It is an interactive games site for everyone. You need moderate skills and computer knowledge to be able to take part in such games. Free arcade games have short to lengthy level of games. Some may be simple, short and extremely easy to grasp with dynamic characters and the game may slowly progress from a easy to a hard level. They give a kick to your adrenaline and are meant to excite and thrill you.

There are many free game portals on the Internet, but few may match the level of a free arcade game. Once you are hooked to the arcade games portal, then there is no looking back, you may come back again and again to refresh yourself with a game or two. There are many categories and levels in the arcade gaming site such as action-packed games, racing games, heavyweight fighting games, puzzle and mind games, sports games, retro and many others. Many technologically superior web portals on the World Wide Web are the ones that are devoted to computer game players. The gaming sites have really advanced in a span of few years from easy fun games to hardcore interactive games that may keep you on the edge of your seats and would act like an addictive drug.

You may feel like giving a whack or two to your temperamental boss or senior, now you may very well do so with arcade ‘whack-a-boss’ game. The latest addition category gives you Xxio 03, Video poker, UFO, the Viking, Super Fly, Spank the Frank and Samurai Warrior, etc. But these categories keep constantly changing and are renovated for maximum gaming pleasure for the game crazy online visitors.

All you have to do is register yourself to the arcade game site, which is free and easy. Once you are registered you get a conformation via e-mail, all you need is to login with your username and password and presto-the wonderful arcade games are all yours. You may pass on this information to your friends and relatives who love to play free games online. There is an account validity counter and message counter where you may check your account (points) and any new messages received from friends or visitors. You may view the points and general information of other top players who have got maximum points. There is even a member list, where you can view the names of all the members who have registered themselves on this wonderful gaming site.

There are more than two thousand one hundred games to play, from simple kiddy games to difficult and tough ones for adult playing. Some of the games are so interesting that they may uplift your mod instantly and you may feel relaxed and rejuvenated. You may also upload a game or two from your own collections in your Personal computer hard disk. Uploading games may take 2 to 3 minutes time. The gaming site is so popular that it is hoarded with advertisements from top advertisers like and

So don’t wait, log on to the site immediately and get going.

Helene Salmon writes articles for utubevideoclip. The author gives valuable information about Free Arcade, Free Arcade Game, and Free Game Free Games Online which are available at

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